Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's the litte things

So, in the scrapping world there are various things to "toot" about - no, not when you eat beans or anything (that would entail and entirely different post!) ... people "toot their own horn" for getting published, making a design or creative team ... all kinds of things. I've been published a few times now - and have two more coming soon - but there's one thing I've been striving for; one place I check every day in the hopes that yes, I too will be represented there ... and until today, it's never happened.

Gallery Standouts is a site run by a group of digital designers, artists, and scrapbookers who scan a number of digital galleries to find their "best of" for the day. Perhaps a style inspires them, a design element, a great photo ... and today, I'm in there with a layout I just finished, literally, last night for Carina - Summer Memory. Here's a link to the 2Ps gallery, where you can find the specific kits I used from Carina, and also the word art from Mary Ann, and the crab (isn't he cute?) from Tia ... and the layout, of course:

Yeah, it might seem a little silly to scan a website every day in the hopes that perhaps my name will be featured ... but I'm tickled that it is!

On a scrappy-related note, I was happy to see that Kate is back designing at 2Ps. She's been away for a few months, recovering from a back injury. Kate has a few new things coming out today at 2Ps (will update this post with links, once they're active), but thought you might like a sneak-peek at the new things:


Gennifer said...

I love that website... it helps me get out of my 2Peas bubble! Congrats again on being featured, and the Kate layouts look great, too!

mean mom productions said...

Hey, Kat! You are not the only scanning to see if you layout gets picked by the 2peas staff. I am very honest to say, I have definitely been scanning for my layouts as well. Not as much as when I first started but I do scan. I don't think that makes us weird or anything..just real..as in being who were are naturally.

I replied to your comment yesterday when I felt better in a post.

Sarah Coggins said...

Toot away! A big congrats!! Love seeing your work at 2ps - always beautiful and inspiring. :)