Friday, November 20, 2009

I knew them when ...

There's a new CT team over at Two Peas - and it's a digi/hybrid group. Even better, I know a few of the ladies that made the team. Okay, so I don't KNOW them, like I haven't met them in person or anything ... but I "know" them from message boards, Facebook, blogs, etc. CONGRATS to everyone that made the team, and also to those ladies that took the plunge and decided to apply, even if they are new to digi scrapping. So, when everyone moves on to bigger and better things, I'll be right there saying, "I knew you when ... " LOL - yeah, right, like I'm THAT important in your lives?! I can dream, can't I?! (BTW, these are all rhetorical questions that do not require any responses in your part :) )

My scrapping mojo disappeared for a while and reappeared briefly last weekend. Here's a page I did with some of Carina Gardner's new Letters of Love line. I added a few things from Michelle Underwood's Vintage Holiday Memories kit - it all just seemed to work well together. If you click on the picture here, you'll go over to Two Peas and you'll be able to see the full credits:

Hopefully I'll get some scrapping done this weekend - I have a "list". Yep, I even plan out what I'd LIKE to do ... of course, whether I actually GET to anything on the list is another story! LOL

Hard to believe Christmas is only about five weeks away! I'm busy enough with 'stuff' ... and now I've signed up for a scrapping class - Journal Your Christmas by Shimelle Laine. For a nominal fee the first year, you get free access every subsequent year to the forums, and a whole bunch of journaling prompts, hints, etc. to be able to journal each day ... from December 1 through to January 6. Shimelle's even helping with a digi kit to get us started - but, of course, the projects could be traditional or hybrid, too. I'm going to TRY and combine this with a December Daily-type project ... journal and take pictures of something about the holidays ... EVERY DAY. Gulp. Wish me luck!!! Figure this will be a good fore-runner to see if I can do it, firstly, but also it will give me a taste of doing a 365 challenge ... was tempted last year, so maybe this will help me decide if I could truly keep up with it. We'll see.

So, I'd better get cracking and think about laying out some templates or blank pages so that I can hit the ground running ...


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