Sunday, November 22, 2009

Getting Prepared!

I can't believe I'm THIS organized for the holidays already - Thanksgiving grocery shopping is all but done, 75% of my gift shopping is done for family and friends, wrapping paper and gift boxes purchased ... tree will go up this coming Friday. Oh yeah, we're getting in the spirit - in fact, one of our local radio stations has even started playing holiday music already. For now, it's nice - but ask me again in a week or so ... I might be sick of it by then! LOL

I've been keeping tabs on the gals at the Journal Your Christmas project - and wow, now THERE are some organized ladies! I feel like I'm so far behind! Some have started their album pages, decorated their covers, and even started making their date tags (as each page should have a date as we go through the month of December). So, with so much inspiration on the boards (check out Shimelle's website for more information), I decided to go through my digi kits, pick a selection to use, and begin preparing MY pages. I've got a few designers selected ... and today I used a template from Jen Martakis' White Space collection and Michelle Underwood's Vintage Holiday Memories kit - love all the little embellishments in the kit. So, I still have to add journaling (well, DUH, that IS the point of the class) and a title ... but here's a sneak peek ... consider this a "work in progress" and things might change before I'm done :)

... and now, I'm off to create more pages for me to play with! The big question will be can I make 30+ pages that are similar and yet a little different ... hhhmmm ...


Lorell said...

pretty pages, there, Kat! I'm jealous that you are ready for T-day already. But, I do go shopping tomorrow!! :D

Jen Martakis said...

I love your page Kat. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it with a photo. :)