Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yep, two pages in two days ... I'm on a roll! Now, the question is, can I keep this up for the entire month? Okay, maybe not. We all know "stuff" happens ... but so long as I can use the weekends to catch up, then I should be okay, right? With the base page already completed, it was simply a matter of taking some time during lunch to add journaling and a photo. I "cheated" a little and didn't do a photo today, but had this one saved from a few years ago - it works perfectly with today's page, and it happens to be a fave of mine, even if it's not perfect with that honker of a snowflake on DS's face ... sheesh, and right between the eyes, too. LOL

1 comment:

Casey Wright said...

Love this layout and what you did with the kit! Great job on the layering!